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Let's work together
Brand strategy & design
for meaningful busineses.
Picture of EMDR devices called Sero Stones charging on a wireless pad.
Picture of EMDR devices called Sero Stones being held by a dark complexion hand.
Sero Health // Smart devices for PTSD treatment
Middle age woman sitting on the couch without shoes on peacefully.
Logo animation for the company 'LSI'
A picture of a laptop open on a dining room table displaying the LSI market intel platform.
LSI // Market intel & events for medtech executives
A screenshot of a mobile phone displaying the LSI Europe '24 event website page.
Neutral brand antacids floating in mid air, spining clockwise 180 degrees and spining back
Packaging for natural antacids company, NEUTRAL
Neutral // All natural, all night, all times antacids
A dark complexion man with black hair and beard  in a dark green suit